指令/路径/... | 说明 |
maxscale-2.1.2-1.rhel.7.x86_64.rpm | 软件包 |
/etc/maxscale.cnf | 主配置文件 |
maxscale /etc/maxscale.cnf | 启动服务 |
/var/log/maxscale/maxscale.log | 日志路径(可查看报错信息) |
4006 | 读写分离服务使用端口号 |
4016 | 管理服务使用端口号 |
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[root@host61 ~] # vim /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] Server_id = 61 log_bin=master61 :wq [root@host61 ~] # systemctl restart mysqld [root@host61 ~] # mysql -uroot –p123qqq...A Mysql> grant replication slave on *.* to repluser@ "%" identified by "123qqq...A" ; Mysql> show master status ; +-----------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set | +-----------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+ | master61.000001 | 441 | | | | +-----------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) |
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[root@host62 ~] # vim /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] Server_id = 62 :wq [root@host62 ~] # systemctl restart mysqld [root@host62 ~] # mysql -uroot -p密码 Mysql> change master to master_host= "" , Master_user= "repluser" , Master_password= "123qqq...A" , Master_log_file= "master61.000001" , Master_log_pos=441 ; Mysql> start slave; Mysql> show slave status \G Slave_IO_Running: Yes Slave_SQL_Running: Yes |
1 | [root@host60 ~] # yum -y install maxscale-2.1.2-1.rhel.7.x86_64.rpm |
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[root@host60 ~] # cp /etc/maxscale.cnf /root/ 备份主配置文件 [root@host60 ~] # vim /etc/maxscale.cnf [maxscale] threads=auto # 服务启动后线程的数量,根据CPU 核数创建 [server1] type =server address= # 指定第1台数据库服务器的ip地址 port=3306 protocol=MySQLBackend [server2] type =server address= # 指定第2台数据库服务器的ip地址 port=3306 protocol=MySQLBackend [MySQL Monitor] # 定义监视的数据库服务器 type =monitor module=mysqlmon servers=server1,server2 # 监视server1和server2 user=mysqla # 监控用户账号 passwd =123qqq...A # 监控用户连接密码 monitor_interval=10000 #禁止只读服务(注释) #[Read-Only Service] #type=service #router=readconnroute #servers=server1 #user=myuser #passwd=mypwd #router_options=slave [Read-Write Service] # 启用读写分离服务 type =service router=readwritesplit servers=server1,server2 # 读写分离在server1和server2服务器之间进行 user=mysqlb # 路由用户 passwd =123qqq...A # 连接密码 max_slave_connections=100% [MaxAdmin Service] # 管理服务(通过访问管理服务可以查看监控信息) type =service router=cli # 因为只读服务没有启用 ,不需要定义服务使用的端口号(注释) #[Read-Only Listener] #type=listener #service=Read-Only Service #protocol=MySQLClient #port=4008 [Read-Write Listener] # 定义读写分离服务使用端口号 type =listener service=Read-Write Service protocol=MySQLClient port=4006 # 端口号 [MaxAdmin Listener] # 定义管理服务使用端口号 type =listener service=MaxAdmin Service protocol=maxscaled socket=default port=4016 # 端口号 :wq |
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[root@host61 ~] # mysql -uroot -p123qqq...A # 添加监控用户 mysqla 用户 mysql> grant replication slave , replication client on *.* to mysqla@ "%" identified by "123qqq...A" ; # 权限说明: # replication client 监视数据库服务的运行状态 # replication slave 数据库服务器的主从角色 # 添加路由用户 mysqlb 用户 mysql> grant select on mysql.* to mysqlb@ "%" identified by "123qqq...A" ; # 对授权库下的表有查询权限 # 在从服务器查看用户是否同步 [root@host62 ~] # mysql -uroot -p123qqq...A select user from mysql.user where user= "mysqla" ; select user from mysql.user where user= "mysqlb" ; |
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# 安装提供mysql命令的软件 [root@host60 ~] # which mysql || yum -y install mariadb [root@host60 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.61 -umysqla -p123qqq...A [root@host60 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.62 -umysqla -p123qqq...A [root@host60 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.61 -umysqlb -p123qqq...A [root@host60 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.62 -umysqlb -p123qqq...A # 说明:能连接成功才是对的,如果连接失败:执行如下操作 # 在主数据库服务器host61 把添加 mysqla用户 和 mysqlb 用户的命令再执行一遍 # 启动服务 [root@host60 ~] # maxscale /etc/maxscale.cnf # 查看日志文件 [root@host60 ~] # ls /var/log/maxscale/ maxscale.log # 查看读写分离服务端口号 [root@host60 ~] # netstat -utnlp | grep 4006 tcp6 0 0 :::4006 :::* LISTEN 1580 /maxscale # 查看读写分离服务端口号 [root@host60 ~] # netstat -utnlp | grep 4016 tcp6 0 0 :::4016 :::* LISTEN 1580 /maxscale #把服务杀死 再启动 相当于重启服务 (修改了配置文件后要重启服务使其配置生效) # 通过杀进程的方式停止服务 [root@host60 ~] # killall -9 maxscale # 启动服务 [root@host60 ~] # maxscale /etc/maxscale.cnf # 在host60本机访问管理服务查看数据库服务的监控信息 [root@host60 ~] # maxadmin -uadmin -pmariadb -P4016 MaxScale> list servers Servers. -------------------+-----------------+-------+-------------+-------------------- Server | Address | Port | Connections | Status -------------------+-----------------+-------+-------------+-------------------- server1 | | 3306 | 0 | Master, Running server2 | | 3306 | 0 | Slave, Running -------------------+-----------------+-------+-------------+-------------------- MaxScale> exit |
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# 首先在主数据库服务器host61 添加客户端连接使用的用户 [root@host61 ~] # mysql -uroot -p密码 create database bbsdb; create table bbsdb.a( id int); grant select ,insert on bbsdb.* to yaya@ "%" identified by "123qqq...A" ; # 在从服务器host62查看存储数据库表和添加用户 [root@host62 ~] # mysql -uroot -p密码 desc bbsdb.a; select user from mysql.user where user= "yaya" ; # 客户端host50连接读写分离服务器host60访问数据库服务 mysql -h读写分离服务器的ip -P读写分离服务的端口号 -u数据库授权用户名 -p密码 [root@host50 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.60 -P4006 -uyaya -p123qqq...A |
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mysql> select * from bbsdb.a; Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> insert into bbsdb.a values (8888); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec) mysql> select * from bbsdb.a; + ------+ | id | + ------+ | 8888 | + ------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) |
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# 从服务器插入1条数据 [root@host62 ~] # mysql -uroot -p123qqq...A -e 'insert into bbsdb.a values(6262)' [root@host62 ~] # mysql -uroot -p123qqq...A -e 'select * from bbsdb.a' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. +------+ | id | +------+ | 8888 | | 6262 | +------+ # 主服务器查询 [root@host11 ~] # mysql -uroot -p123qqq...a -e 'select * from bbsdb.a' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. +------+ | id | +------+ | 8888 | +------+ # 客户端访问读写分离服务器查询数据(查询结果为从服务器数据源) [root@host50 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.60 -P4006 -uyaya -p123qqq...A -e 'select * from bbsdb.a' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. +------+ | id | +------+ | 8888 | | 6262 | +------+ |
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# 客户端机插入数据 [root@host50 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.60 -P4006 -uyaya -p123qqq...A -e 'insert into bbsdb.a values(666)' # 在主服务器本机查看数据 [root@host61 ~] # mysql -uroot -p123qqq...a -e 'select * from bbsdb.a' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. +------+ | id | +------+ | 8888 | | 666 | +------+ [root@host50 ~] # mysql -h192.168.88.60 -P4006 -uyaya -p123qqq...A -e 'select * from bbsdb.a' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. +------+ | id | +------+ | 8888 | | 6262 | | 666 | +------+ |
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