怎么使用本程序看看注释应该就知道了。run main.c 就行。其他各文件作用:
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#include "menu.c" int main() { select(); return 0; } |
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// 相同头文件只包含一次,后不赘述 #pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define Status int // 课程 typedef struct Course { char name[30]; int score; } Course, *pCourse; // 学生 typedef struct Student { char number[30]; char name[30]; pCourse pC; } Student, *pStudent; // n是学生数, m是课程数 int n, m; char courseName[30], studentName[30], course[20][30]; pStudent pS = NULL; |
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#pragma once #include "def.c" pStudent inputStudentInfo( void ); void printStudentInfo(pStudent pS); // 录入学生信息 pStudent inputStudentInfo( void ) { int i, j; printf ( "Please input the number of students and courses: " ); scanf ( "%d %d" , &n, &m); printf ( "Please input the name of courses: " ); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { scanf ( "%s" , course[i]); } pStudent pS = (pStudent) malloc ( sizeof (Student) * n); if (!pS) return NULL; printf ( "Please input the info: \n" ); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pS[i].pC = (pCourse) malloc ( sizeof (Course) * m); if (!pS[i].pC) return NULL; scanf ( "%s %s" , pS[i].name, pS[i].number); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { strcpy (pS[i].pC[j].name, course[j]); scanf ( "%d" , &pS[i].pC[j].score); } } return pS; } // 打印所有学生信息 void printStudentInfo(pStudent pS) { int i, j; // 打印标题 printf ( "Name\tnumber\t" ); for (i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) printf ( "%s\t" , course[i]); printf ( "%s\n" , course[i]); // 显示信息 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf ( "%s\t%s\t" , pS[i].name, pS[i].number); for (j = 0; j < m - 1; j++) printf ( "%d\t" , pS[i].pC[j].score); printf ( "%d\n" , pS[i].pC[j].score); } } |
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#pragma once #include "def.c" Status saveStudentInfo(pStudent pS); Status saveStudentInfo(pStudent pS) { FILE *fp; int i, j; char filename[30], str[100] = "student number" ; printf ( "please input the filename: " ); scanf ( "%s" , filename); fp = fopen (filename, "w" ); if (!fp) return ERROR; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { strcat (str, " " ); strcat (str, course[i]); } strcat (str, "\n" ); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strcat (str, pS[i].name); strcat (str, " " ); strcat (str, pS[i].number); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { char score[30]; itoa(pS[i].pC[j].score, score, 10); strcat (str, " " ); strcat (str, score); } strcat (str, "\n" ); } fputs (str, fp); fclose (fp); return OK; } |
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#pragma once #include "def.c" #include "myIO.c" #include "file.c" #include "function.c" void menu(); void select(); // 菜单 void menu() { printf ( "------------------------------------\n" ); printf ( "| Menu |\n" ); printf ( "| 1. input |\n" ); printf ( "| 2. show |\n" ); printf ( "| 3. save |\n" ); printf ( "| 4. sort |\n" ); printf ( "| 5. modify |\n" ); printf ( "| 6. count |\n" ); printf ( "| 0. exit |\n" ); printf ( "------------------------------------\n" ); } void select() { int branch; while (TRUE) { system ( "cls" ); menu(); printf ( "[Input]: " ); scanf ( "%d" , &branch); if (!branch) break ; switch (branch) { case 1: { pS = inputStudentInfo(); if (pS == NULL) printf ( "input error! please input again\n" ); else printf ( "Input success!\n" ); system ( "pause" ); break ; } case 2: { printStudentInfo(pS); system ( "pause" ); break ; } case 3: { if (OK == saveStudentInfo(pS)) printf ( "Save success!\n" ); else printf ( "Save fail!\n" ); system ( "pause" ); break ; } case 4: { sort(pS); printf ( "sort success\n" ); system ( "pause" ); break ; } case 5: { int res = modify(pS); if (res) { printf ( "change success!\n" ); } else { printf ( "change fail!\n" ); } system ( "pause" ); break ; } case 6: { int choose; // 输入1 显示每门课程最高成绩信息 // 输入2 显示每门课程平均成绩信息 printf ( "choose 1 for the highest score: \n " ); printf ( "choose 2 for the average score: \n" ); printf ( "[Input]: " ); scanf ( "%d" , &choose); if (choose == 1) { showMax(pS); } else if (choose == 2) { showAverage(pS); } else { // 输入非法提示信息 printf ( "Input error!\n" ); } system ( "pause" ); break ; } } } } |
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#include "def.c" void sort(pStudent pS); void Swap(pStudent s1, pStudent s2); void showAverage(pStudent pS); void showMax(pStudent pS); Status modify(pStudent pS); // 按课程成绩排序 void sort(pStudent pS) { int courseNumber, i, j, k; char courseName[30]; printf ( "please input the course name which you want to sort: " ); scanf ( "%s" , courseName); for (courseNumber = 0; courseNumber < m; courseNumber++) if ( strcmp (course[courseNumber], courseName) == 0) break ; // 如果找不到课程,则认为是按总分排序 if (courseNumber == m) { printf ( "Sort as total score: \n" ); // 选择排序 for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int flag = i; for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { int totalScore_1 = 0, totalScore_2 = 0; for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { totalScore_1 += pS[j].pC[k].score; totalScore_2 += pS[flag].pC[k].score; } if (totalScore_1 > totalScore_2) { flag = j; } } Swap(&pS[i], &pS[flag]); } } else { // 选择排序 for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int flag = i; for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (pS[j].pC[courseNumber].score > pS[flag].pC[courseNumber].score) { flag = j; } } Swap(&pS[i], &pS[flag]); } } } // 修改学生信息 Status modify(pStudent pS) { // 密码是1314 char password[30] = "1314" , psd[30]; char number[30]; int score, i, j; printf ( "please input password: " ); scanf ( "%s" , psd); // 密码正确才继续,否则返回ERROR if ( strcmp (password, psd) == 0) { printf ( "please input the student's number: " ); scanf ( "%s" , number); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // 找到学生则继续,否则返回ERROR if ( strcmp (pS[i].number, number) == 0) { printf ( "please input the course and score one by one: \n" ); scanf ( "%s %d" , courseName, &score); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { // 找到课程才继续,否则返回ERROR if ( strcmp (pS[i].pC[j].name, courseName) == 0) { // 修改课程成绩 pS[i].pC[j].score = score; return OK; } } return ERROR; } } return ERROR; } else return ERROR; } // 输出各课程最高分的学生 void showMax(pStudent pS) { int i, j, max; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { max = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (pS[j].pC[i].score > pS[max].pC[i].score) max = j; } printf ( "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n" , course[i], pS[max].name, pS[max].number, pS[max].pC[i].score); } } // 显示各课程的平均成绩 void showAverage(pStudent pS) { int i, j; double ave; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { ave = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { ave += pS[j].pC[i].score; } printf ( "%s\t%.2lf\n" , course[i], ave / n); } } void Swap(pStudent s1, pStudent s2) { int i; char studentName[30], number[30]; // 交换姓名 strcpy (studentName, s1->name); strcpy (s1->name, s2->name); strcpy (s2->name, studentName); // 交换学号 strcpy (number, s1->number); strcpy (s1->number, s2->number); strcpy (s2->number, number); // 交换成绩 for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { int temp = s1->pC[i].score; s1->pC[i].score = s2->pC[i].score; s2->pC[i].score = temp; } } |
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